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Strasbourg; A Real Life Storybook

I've started the next leg of my journey right by making a friend in the airport. (See, like I said, they're there to be found or made when you're willing.) We talk a while...where we've been, where we want to go, what I should do in his town, what our occupations are (were). Turns out he travels for work, building the sets for Ninja Warrior and other TV shows. Having seen Ninja Warrior and how the obstacle courses are run, I'm excited by this topic and we get into a whole conversation about how the TV and movie industry works here (and I have to say, the system of payment for artists and creative people in France seems far superior to ours). Once everyone is boarded and we've taken off, he comes to collect me. "There's an empty seat beside me, if you'd like to take it." I smile, "Yeah, okay." You never know where you'll meet a friend.

Lots of bunny business Easter weekend

I'm welcomed to Strasbourg the same way I'm sent out from Nice. Smiles, laughter, friends, and MUSIC. Bruno and Frederic, his twin brother, take me in with open arms. Having never met Frederic, I was unaware I was coming to stay with a pianist for the opera, but what a pleasant surprise! The apartment is lovely. Clean and bright, and filled with members of the opera. Singing, playing, and laughing in tune. The city of Strasbourg immediately takes my heart. My high expectations from the pictures are met and exceeded, and I'm sure the few days I planned to spend will not feel like enough.
After two years with almost no contact, and having known each other only shortly in the first place, Bruno is a gracious, lovely host, making me immediately comfortable and part of the group. Each person the brothers introduce me to is full of smiles, and kindness, and I never feel like the outsider, which I find myself surprised by. Overcoming language barriers and welcoming a stranger as a friend truly says something to me of the big hearts of this group. "Any friend of my friend..." I feel very lucky to have landed here.

"English," he insists for the third time and his brother glares him down.
"Really," I interject, "it's okay."
"No it's not, they're being rude."
"It's not rude. He's in his house, he can speak whatever language he wants. It's really okay."
"Thank you, Maia," Fredric replies, staring pointedly at his brother.
Though Bruno is trying to be a considerate host, and certainly is, the insistence on English makes me uncomfortable. The fact that they think it will bother me if they don't, even more so.
Of course it's in the spirit of inclusion and consideration, but I have seen Americans act like spoiled children when it comes to language, and it bothers me they may lump me in that category. You can't expect people to limit themselves to your words when you don't speak theirs.

The five phrases I insist on knowing in the language of each country I visit;

  • Hello
  • Please
  • Thank you
  • Excuse me
  • I don't speak ______, do you speak English?

Very simple, but with these 14 words (more or less depending on the language), you can turn strangers into friends. People want to (or at the very least are more willing to) help you if they see you making an effort on your own. The vast majority of the time I use these phrases people say, "Yes I speak English", I ask my question, they help, everybody smiles, and we all move on in the right direction.  I have seen other tourists use these same phrases, except all in English, and the response is much different.
People get offended, or annoyed, or prideful when you come to their country and assume they will cater to you. Rightfully so. The simple act of asking instead of assuming can make all the difference. Because you know what they say... "To assume is to make an ass out of you and me." ;) Alright, I'll stop ranting...just try to be a considerate traveler, y'all, that's my word of advice. Not that you asked for it.


Six days I've spent wondering the streets of Strasbourg and I haven't stopped looking up. Each place we visit has me bright eyed with wonder. From Notre Dame to The Cathedral of Saint Pierre le Jeune to Petite France, I have fallen in love. The old world is alive and well here, something the romantic in me is quick to feel attached to, though my hosts aren't always so keen. Everyone loves good architecture, not everyone loves the church bells ringing for 20 minutes (literally) right outside their flat every Sunday and each holiday (which makes it three times in my six days, by the way. The French love their holidays. Also their strikes). They bitch and I laugh. Perhaps I would get annoyed too if it was my home, but for now, it's just another experience, and I'm enjoying them all.

The brother's apartment seems always to be lively, visitors streaming in and out, and I remember just how much more open a culture they have. Something I realized on my trip to Europe years ago, and I love it. On each of my nights, there is always someone visiting and sleeping in the living room. There are conversations to be had, meals to be made, people to meet. I ask them if it's always like this, and they say yes. They like having people about. Once again, their generosity is apparent.

My first few days, my friends are careful to recommend and buy things true to French culture. They choose restaurants with traditional food, pick lovely sights, visit cathedrals with me, and chuckle with good humor as I take pictures of EVERYTHING. But by the end of my stay, they're back to their lives and it's my turn to chuckle as we go to see the latest Spielberg film and they insist, rather excited, that we eat McDonald's. I shake my head in amused disbelief. McDonald's when we're surrounded by such good food? Grass is always greener, right?

The days are crisp and chilly, but the sun is bright, and the weather, mixed with good company, laughter, and always, always, someone playing the piano in the living room, has made the days fly by. More than once I've thought I would be content to live here, and part of me is sure I would. Then again...I feel I'll have that thought in many places I go in the months to come. Best to keep moving. So on to England I go!
Wait...what's that? My trains been cancelled due to strike and I might miss my planes, you say? I see...


  1. I wasn't aware of the cathedrals in Strasbourg. IlI' have to look at the photos a little closer. So much to see. Some of the architecture reminds me of the ren faire.
    Thanx for including the Easter Bunny 😎

    1. There are cathedrals everywhere in Europe, it seems. Gorgeous. The buildings totally remind me of the faire haha I love it.
      And no problem, I put him in there just for you! 😂👍


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