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Showing posts from February, 2022

Into the Tiny Vastness

Sometimes things seem incredibly difficult to decide. To book. To plan. To make happen. Frozen with indecision, unable to decide what future-Maia will feel and want. I might ruminate on a simple choice for days, tortured over potential consequences. Other times I hear an offer and act before I even truly process what it means. These decisions are usually the best for me. The ones that don’t torture. The ones that flow. For example, Shikai, who I met in Sayulita, asking if I wanted to come to Electric Daisy Carnival with him in Mexico City at the end of February and me saying yes.  Of course I do.  What else would I possibly prefer doing? Maya tells me she will go to Mexico City on the 15th and home to California on the 16th. She asks if I will join her on the first leg of that trek. I’m not sure. I don’t think I’ll be ready to leave Mazunte yet. But when I examine the reality of it, it becomes clear… if I don’t leave now, I may stay for months to come. Time to book my flight, schedule

Mazunte Magic

  “How long have you been in Mazunte?” Maya asks the man at the table next to us, who’s just started a conversation out of the blue. “8 years," he responds. To me, he adds, "I recognize you from last season.” “Me? No, I’ve never been here before.” “Really? But I know you. Are you also from California?” “No, Texas.” “Austin? That’s where I know you from!” “Really?” I’m doubtful…he’s the second person to say that to me on this trip. “I’m sure of it. I know you. Let’s look at facebook.” Pause. “Yup, 77 mutual friends. Austin people. Oh wait… do you work Sherwood Faire?” “You work the ren faires?” Now I’m quite surprised. “Yeah, for years. I play with a bunch of bands there.” He starts listing off names of people I’ve known for a decade, if not my whole life. “What the hell?” Maya pipes up, laughing in disbelief. “What the hell?” I repeat after her. “This is crazy. You have a good eye for faces.” “I knew I recognized you.” The world is tiny. Don’t let them tell you otherwise. Nic