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Showing posts from January, 2022

Sayulita Sun

And just like that, I’m back in the hostel swing. Constant, chaotic energy. Even in the calm moments. People in and out, going on adventures, playing beach volleyball, trips to surf, going on hikes. Already the battle in my head begins between forgoing experiences in order to sit down and write, or forgoing writing in order to experience things to write about. Oof. A great battle.   beach volleyball day hostel pool party I stand in the kitchen, waiting for water to boil, and chatting with the people who work here. La Redonda. I’ve booked three nights rather than committing to the whole five I have free before my friends arrive next week. boards for rent at La Redonda I sit, first morning at my new hostel, eating my eggs and salad for breakfast, no clue what my plans are for the day. The three guys next to me, two brothers and their friend, are talking about walking to San Pancho (official name - San Francisco), which is the next town over. It’s meant to be smaller and less touristy. A

Leaving the Grind Behind for New Horizons

Ah, the keyboard, my old friend. I’ve been experimenting with making videos. I suppose they are van-life videos, but mostly they are the chronicling of a life on the move. Whether in a van, a shop, a friend's apartment… they are always on the go. Some of you may have seen a video or two, and I appreciate that immensely. They have been fun to make. Something new and different to set my mind to. But the reality is… words seem to fail me at the point that I put sound to them. But writing… the written word rarely fails me.  Except when it does. But what can you do? Well, dear friends, after a woefully long break… Welcome back to Maia’s Misadventures! Blog addition… Cause I suppose the Vlog is now called the same thing. Ha. Branding, am I right? I’m so excited to be back here with you. I’m so excited to be heading back out on an adventure. You may be wondering if that’s a valid thing to say, given I live in a van and never seem to be in one place for too long, but the reality is, the va