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Showing posts from September, 2020

Slab City! a.k.a. The Slabs

I had no idea what to expect. In my mind, Slab City had always held this sort of urban legend status. Something I knew was real, yet something that felt so far away. Unattainable. A fairy tale that was nice to listen to from old hippies and worn out vagabonds, but even most of the ones who spoke of it had never been.  A place full of hippies, tweakers, and misfits. "The last free place in America." Before I launch in to this adventure, I'd just like to clarify - this is the first time I've included links in a blog, and I've got a handful in this one. I'm not associated with these people or projects, I just really love what they're doing and wanna help spread their message or help give them their dues how I can.  Alright, let's get to it. Prepare for lots of pictures. They have a freaking hostel, y'all. And a library. I love it. I also saw a sign for an internet cafe while driving around, and google maps had some other interesting spots listed. Pret