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Showing posts from August, 2018

Just A Small Town Girl

In recent weeks, a few people have said to me, "I've been binging your blog". Personally, I binge TV shows that keep me wondering, books I simply can't put down, or movies that draw me in. I binge things that keep my attention, even if I have other things I should be doing. It's hardly a choice, at times. Of course, words like "binge" have different meanings to different people, but I am incredibly humbled and wowed to think some of you could feel remotely close to this feeling when it comes to reading my scattered thoughts and adventures. I started this blog for me, as a way to remember with more clarity than just my mind. I consistently posted once a week for my dad. Before I left he said, "I know you'll be busy living and you won't always message quickly, but I want to keep up with you. Just post at least once a week for your old man, okay?" "Once a week?!" My eyes went wide. He teased me and said one blog a week was

Leave As a Pack.

Okay, guys...Camino part 2! Day 6. It feels like Monday morning in the office. Everything drags. Even the most dedicated, typically 4:30-5am walkers among us are barely making it down the stairs and to the breakfast table by 8. I could hug the coffee machine, but I'll settle for a few cups. We eat slowly, adding chairs one by one as new faces emerge with sleep in their eyes. Typically we spring into action, ready for the day, but this morning the application of boots and backpacks feels very much like a chore. "Are you ready?" Mire asks me. Oh. I hadn't realized she was waiting. ", it's okay, you're more ready than me, there's no need to wait up." Ruud looks over at me as though he doesn't comprehend what I've just said. I hadn't realized *they* were waiting. "No problem, honey," Mire says. "We'll wait." And I don't bother protesting, because for the first time in this experience, I *wan