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Showing posts from May, 2018

Prominent Prague

Let's be honest, y'all, my last entry was kind of shit. Totally uninspired, dry writing, because I was feeling incredibly uninspired in my environment. But I have moved on now, and everything is coming up Milhouse! The rain is coming in angry sheets, drowning any soul unfortunate enough to be out on the streets. Including me. I pedal my bike furiously, praying it doesn't seep through the thin fabric of my backpack and ruin my Patreon packages for June before I can get to the post office. I finally find it and wander in, dripping all over the linoleum floor. I smile sheepishly at an older woman and she says something to me with good humor, but I can't catch a single word. It shows no mercy on my ride home either, and by the time I'm back in the door every part of me is squishing and squashing. Bag, jacket, shoes, pants...shoot, it even seeped down to my underwear. But nothing is going to kill my mood today. Today holds the smell of new adventures, and I'm

Flow Through the High and Low

I plan my hours before getting Mia with some measure of precision. I will do my house chores, go to the Wednesday market, the tattoo shop to replace jewelry I've lost, then to the beach to practice with my hoop (an activity lacking lately) and read, then to have lunch, which will put me in the right place and time to get Mia from school without an unnecessary trip downtown. Perfectly planned and timed. I finish my chores, get changed and head downstairs to find the sky has darkened considerably from the early morning sunshine, and suddenly the bathing suit beneath my clothes is silly and obsolete. In my hope and stubbornness, I leave it on anyway, and press forward with the itinerary. The market stalls are being packed up early, people trying to avoid the pending rain, and I don't find what I need. Oh well. I head to the shop to get the piercings I've lost, in danger of having them heal on me, and find the windows dark. I  triple checked their hours before coming, but s